Are you wondering how much champagne you’ll need for a wedding toast? Wondering where to buy champagne in bulk for wedding toasts? We’ve got you covered! Read on to find out what you need to know about champagne toasts at weddings including how much to buy so you don’t run out (or overspend!) Join the newsletter for FREE updates to your inbox!
How much champagne should I buy for a toast at my wedding? Is it worth it? This is the question we were asked last week by one of our readers and, to be honest, I’m surprised we haven’t tackled this topic in full on the blog yet. Planning for a champagne toast for wedding guests can be tricky if you don’t know exactly how much champagne you need, how many to anticipate will actually have champagne, and whether it’s worth it entirely.
Bride-to-be, Savannah, writes:
“Hi Emmaline! I’m getting married in November and my future husband was wondering if we should do a champagne toast at our wedding reception. We are planning a guest list of 150. What do you think? How do we even estimate how much champagne to buy for wedding toasts, and is it worth it? Thank you!”
Great question, Savannah, and thanks so much for writing!
Let’s tackle this piece by piece. :)
For starters, great idea: having a champagne toast at a wedding is a nice touch, especially if you’re having wedding speeches and you’d like to add a little something special to the reception bar. It can add up quickly, though, and it’s not mandatory to have a champagne toast; however, it is nice to have and if you can afford it, I say go for it!
You’ll definitely want to figure out how much champagne you’ll need to buy for the wedding toast, of course, ahead of time, and ask your venue if there is a special fee, or particular kind of champagne they serve (and how much it is).
If you’re figuring out simply how much champagne you’ll need to buy, it’s easy! Here’s how to estimate EXACTLY how much champagne you will need for a wedding toast.
How Much Champagne You Should Buy for Wedding Toast
Let’s discuss why you may want to estimate how much champagne you’ll need (based on 200, 150, 100 guest list sizes as estimates) and where to buy champagne in bulk for wedding celebrations to save money.
The first thing you’re wondering is most likely this: how many glasses of champagne in 750 ml? One standard bottle of champagne has 750ml which equates to approximately 25 fluid ounces, which equates then to 5 glasses of champagne.
How Many Glasses of Champagne in 1 Standard Bottle (750ml)
There are approximately 5 glasses of champagne in 750ml, approximately 1 standard bottle.

For one bottle of champagne you buy, you’ll net 5 glasses of champagne for guests.
So, here’s some easy math! We figured out this champagne calculator based on popular guest list numbers, below.
Champagne Calculator: 75, 90, 100, 150, 200 Guest Toast
How Much Champagne to Buy: 75 Wedding Guests
You should buy 15 bottles of champagne in order to serve glasses for toasting to 75 wedding guests.
How Much Champagne to Buy: 90 Guest Toast
For a 90 guest wedding toast, you’ll need to buy 18 bottles of champagne.
HHow Much Champagne to Buy: 100 People Toast
If you’re planning to have 100 guests, you’ll need 20 bottles of champagne to give everyone a glass.

How Much Champagne to Buy: 150 Guest Toast
For 150 guests, you’ll need 30 bottles of champagne.

How Much Champagne to Buy: 200 Guests
And last but not least, if you’re planning a wedding of 200 guests and you anticipate them all to enjoy a glass of bubbly, you’ll need to buy 40 bottles of champagne.
See? It’s easy!
Can I serve Prosecco instead?
YES! You can absolutely buy Prosecco instead of champagne for wedding toasts. (You can browse the best kinds here.)
How Many Guests to Estimate for Champagne Toast?
Ahhh, this is another good question. Not every guest will drink, and not every guest that drinks will want to sip on champagne. Therefore, what’s the magic number for estimating how much champagne to buy for wedding toast?
You should estimate roughly 75% of your wedding guest list for the champagne toast. This should give you more than enough. And if, for some reason, you have extra, that’s OK; the same applies if you do not have enough, although that rarely happens when you estimate 75% toast numbers such as this.

Where to Buy Champagne in Bulk for Wedding Toasts
Now comes the money-saving part: how to save money on champagne toasts at your wedding! The number one way to save big? Buy champagne in bulk. If you’re wondering where to buy it, there’s a great place to shop champagne in bulk for wedding receptions: Total Wine & More. Sure, they’re known for their wine but they’re also experts in champagne.

It’s the only place I get mine because they not only offer standard bottles of champagne you can buy in bulk, they also offer those mini champagne bottles which make the cuuuuuuutest wedding favors and bridesmaid proposals, in my opinion.

And there you have it!
Now that you know how much to buy and where to buy it, go and get it crossed off of your list! You can browse reviews (in case you have no idea what kind to get) and see the latest sales and products offered here. They specialize in weddings, so if you’re not sure where to start, just ask them and they’ll help here. They even offer delivery in some areas, shipping in others, and some retail locations. You can buy champange in bulk for wedding, engagement parties, and more!

Thanks so much to Savannah for writing!
On to you: will YOU be planning a champagne toast at your wedding? Did this calculator help? Tell us in the comment box below!
Happy Planning!