If you’re wondering if you should choose magnet backing save the dates or standard cards, let’s tackle this topic together!
Both are great options, but one save the date is the clear winner: can you decide which is better between magnet save the dates and paper? Let’s discuss it!
Magnetic Save the Dates: Are they better than flimsy paper cards?
A standard save-the-date card is great: it does the job of sharing your wedding date with guests and is very efficient.
But magnetic save the dates? They take it one step further and provide a nice magnet for guests to use.
What is a magnet save the date?
It is probably exactly what you think it is: a traditional save the date card but with a magnet backing.
This is true and, as simple as it sounds, makes a big difference when you’re sending them out to guests.
Here are 3 reasons why a magnet is worth its weight.
1. Magnetic save the dates don’t get lost.
Cards get filed away, placed on a table, or have a tendency to slide beneath the bookshelf.
On the other hand, magnet cards promptly go on the fridge, never to be misplaced. This means more guests will likely RSVP to your wedding because they won’t forget about the date. It’s literally staring them in the face each day when they go to get the milk!
2. People love free stuff: a magnet is a free thing guests can actually use.
I don’t know what it is, but guests go wild over these magnetic cards. There’s something about getting free stuff that everyone loves and, well, a free magnet is no exception. :)
Who couldn’t use another fridge magnet?!
3. Guests practically keep your save-the-date on the refrigerator forever.
Just ask me, I have a refrigerator to prove it! Mine is decorated with save the dates of weddings past, and I’m never parting with them.
First of all, it’s a useful magnet. Second, and most importantly, these are from family and friends! Seeing their faces (particularly if they choose the save the date magnets with photos) is a nice bonus that brings me joy. And you can’t argue with that!
Magnet Save the Date Ideas
Now that you know more about what makes them so functional, let’s discuss some ideas for magnetic save the dates. For these examples, we’re sharing magnet save the dates Minted offers from here because there are so many designs from which to choose.
In addition, we find them to be the best quality: their magnetic save the dates are lightweight enough to send through postal mail with no issue, unlike some magnet save the day diys you’ll come across which simply have a large magnet glued to the reverse side. This causes additional bulk so that added weight would only increase your postage rates. Yikes!
Here’s an example of the thin magnet backing on the Minted save the date cards. They’re stylish and lightweight!
To top it off, you can browse by theme or color palette, season, or style. If you have an invitation design in mind, you can even coordinate the save-the-date to match.
Here are some ideas of save the date designs you can choose, all of which have the unique magnet option.
As you can see, some of them have a photo, others have no photo and use the date as the main focus, and others have a nice mix of both!
Funny Magnetic Save the Date Ideas
There are no rules when choosing the design of your save-the-dates. They do not need to match your wedding invitations or other stationery, as that may not even be selected yet. In addition, save the dates are more casual than an invite, so feel free to have some fun with it!
Case in point: this funny “dust off your fancy pants” magnet. Who wouldn’t love to see that on their fridge daily?
Here are a few other funny magnets to prove you don’t have to take this stationery choice so seriously!
These say, “You, booze, dancing shoes, and our ‘I Dos'”. Love it! See? Magnet save the dates are 100x more fun. ;)
This sweet and simple magnet is nice and laid-back: “Gettin’ hitched!”
And this card tells us exactly what’s in store for the wedding: “Eat, drink, and dance badly”. Ha!
If you want to see more from this collection, browse dozens of designs here!

Now that you’ve seen some ideas, let’s talk about cost: how much do magnet save the dates cost? Surprisingly, they aren’t that much more money than a standard card.
How much are magnet save the dates?
There are many different places to shop so pricing may vary across the board.
To help, we’ve gathered some pricing examples from Minted of their standard save-the-date cards printed on paper vs. their magnet option. Using 85 as the quantity of cards, a magnet save the date costs around $2.30 each while a paper card costs $1.72. The size is the same, but you get the added benefit of cards with a magnet backing when you choose the magnetic option.
7″ x 5″
85 @ $147
6″ x 4.25″
85 @ $196
When you purchase a larger quantity of cards, the price goes down. For 100 cards, classic paper at 7″x5″ is $1.62 each, while a magnet is $2.18 each.
I think the difference isn’t that much considering the grand scheme of things: your save the date goes on a fridge, forever? I’ll take it.
To sum it up nicely, magnetic save the dates are better than paper because they’re not flimsy, won’t get lost, and guests seem to love them because they double as a fridge magnet: score!
The cost doesn’t seem to be too large of a difference between the two: magnet costs about fifty cents more per. If it’s in your budget, I say go for the magnet-backed cards! In my opinion, magnets are the clear winner.
Now that you know what magnet save the dates are, what they look like, have some ideas of designs, and know how much magnet save the dates cost, I’m handing it over to you: what do you think?
Do you like magnetic save the dates more than standard cards? Which one are you choosing and why?
Happy Planning!
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