Want to be a happy bride? Crave no-stress planning? You’ve come to the right place! Before you read, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future posts.
Planning your wedding doesn’t have to be stressful. At Emmaline Bride, our goal is to help you plan a beautiful wedding without the stress. Planning the biggest day of your life is supposed to be fun, right? And we know that if you’re a happy bride, you’ll have an easier time planning your Best Day Ever. To help, we’ve made you this handy guide to keep things in perspective. You’ll also want to grab this and this, since they’ll outline tons of wedding ideas (without overwhelming you. Promise.) Enjoy!
Happy Bride: A to Z
Want to be a happy bride? Just follow these simple rules, below.
Ask for help when you need it.
And, appreciate help when you get it.
Be good to yourself.
You, beautiful you. You are perfect just the way you are. Don’t feel pressure to suddenly be a certain size, to spend a certain amount of money, or to look a particular way. Your fiancee proposed to YOU, because he wants to marry YOU. Stay true to yourself.
Continue doing regular things.
Watch your shows. Go out with friends. Take your fiance on regular date nights. Read. Exercise. Go for a walk. Work. Accomplish goals. Don’t let wedding planning consume you. You’ll have more fun with it if you don’t let it “take over” your regular day-to-day.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Hey, unexpected stuff is going to happen. Rolling with it and laughing? That’s how you stay happy.
Enjoy the little, fleeting moments.
Ah, those sweet little moments you get to experience while you plan (and during the wedding day itself) go by so fast. Savor them!
There’s The Proposal. The engagement ring (and countless ring selfies). The engagement photos. Picking out invitations. The dress. Getting ready with your bridesmaids. The list goes on and on. Bottom line? Enjoy it all.
Find bridesmaid dresses that aren’t ridiculously expensive.
Happy Bridesmaids = Happy Bride. So, when you pick out a bridesmaid dress that isn’t super pricey, or one of these dresses they’ll ACTUALLY wear again, they’ll love you for it. While you’re at it, no bow on the butt. And nothing too short, showy, low cut, or unforgiving in material. Your lovely ladies will thank you for it. Also, be sure to read this article on things your bridesmaids need to hear from you.
Give thoughtful, useful gifts.
Give gifts with heart. Buy handmade. Support small businesses. Be thoughtful in gift-giving, whether it is for bridesmaids, groomsmen, your parents (or these gifts especially selected for mom), your flower girl, ring bearer, vendors, guests (favors), or gifts for your future spouse. Thoughtful gifts are more memorable and, therefore, rule.
High five your flower girls and ring bearer.
Hey, being the little guy or gal isn’t easy — and walking down that aisle is intimidating. Say good job and give them an awesome gift or toy for after ceremony (even if they didn’t quite make it down the aisle without sobbing or running away).
Invest in a pretty bag for your essentials.
Being prepared for wedding day emergencies will keep you happy all day long. A pretty purse (like this one we spotted by Eclu) filled with 7 things you MUST pack in your wedding bag is all you need.
Jot down important must-haves.
Make a list of three most important things things to include at your wedding. Have your fiance do the same, and then make sure you include all of them on your big day.

Keep things in perspective.
It can be really easy to let things get out of control while wedding planning. When you start to freak out because you don’t have these with ribbons tied on the backs of each one, STOP. Ask yourself, do I really need this? Do I really want to spend money on this? Will this make a HUGE difference in the quality of our day? If not, feel free to skip it.
Listen to your fiance when he tells you he wants a groom’s cake, or when he wants a certain song played at the reception. Listen when he doesn’t want to spend the entire night talking about color palettes because he wants to curl up and watch a movie with you. Listen to your bridesmaids when they try to talk you into picking one dress over another. You’ll learn more by listening.
Make lists and set realistic goals.
Making lists (and using checklists, like this free printable checklist, will keep you organized. Organized brides = less stressed out brides = happiness. Also, set a few goals along the way (like this week, I’ll order cake; next week, I’ll decide what shoes to wear). Don’t overload yourself.
Nix the negativity.
Those people on your Facebook wall that are always ranting about negative things? Hide them. Those wedding forums where people are overwhelming you by obsessing over their own, weird wedding goals? Stop reading them. Instead, surround yourself with positive people. You’ll radiate a positive vibe, too.
Order something special for the honeymoon.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t get happy over new pjs, a new robe, or pretty underwear? Me either. There’s no better time than now to order it for your amazing honeymoon vacay.
Plan surprises for the groom.
A new watch delivered to his room before the ceremony? A special message sewn to the back of his tie? A pair of socks so he doesn’t get cold feet? A note that says, “I can’t wait to kiss you” delivered to him by the flower girl? (Swoon.) These are just a few cute ways to surprise the groom. These sweet surprises will make you giddy with excitement. It’s like Jimmy Durante said: “Make someone happy… and you will be happy, too“.
That’s one of my favorite songs ever.
Or this “can’t wait to be your wife” card. So. cute.
Quit worrying so much.
There’s so much pressure on one day — and there’s bound to be a few unexpected twists along the way. I heard a quote that worrying is like standing outside with an umbrella waiting for it to rain. Believe it will be everything you’ve dreamed and it will be!
Register and have fun doing it.
Registering for your wedding is one of the most exciting things ever. It’s also a fun way to bond with your spouse-to-be and learn even more about their hobbies, style, and favorite things. Pair it with a dinner out and make a date of it. Oh, and when it starts to get tiring, QUIT. Start again another day.
Try on tons of wedding gowns.
But do it for fun. You’ll eventually find it, but until you do… there’s no other time in life to try on beautiful, intricately made gowns with the possibility of ordering one to be custom made for you. And that’s pretty amazing in itself.
Use the newlywed title to your advantage.
On your honeymoon, don’t be afraid to tell people you’re celebrating. When A and I went on ours, we got an upgrade for our rental car (oh, hey, red convertible!) and a free dinner and other fun festive things.
It’s not about getting stuff, either: it’s about the fun that comes with being the newlyweds! Finally. So don’t be afraid to tell people. People can be so awesome: we had complete strangers offering to snap photos of us (it’s important to get some of just the two of you, instead of awful selfies that are too close up or cut off your faces), along with sharing sweet words of advice. I swear, complete strangers + kindness = the best.
Veer away from too many DIY projects.
DIY projects are fun (or they can be), but too many of them and not much time to complete them all? That’s just a headache. Pick a few that you want to do and start on them well in advance, if DIY is your thing. If not, delegate the tasks to someone else — then you’ll have even less on your plate to worry about. (See: 30 Best DIY Wedding Projects)
Wear a new perfume.
When you wear a new perfume for the wedding, the scent will forever remind you of your big day. Do this — it’s such a great idea.
Hey, those endorphins get kicking and happiness takes over. Exercise is my go-to for instant happy.
Yes to Pampering.
Pamper yourself. Get a massage. Spoil yourself on the morning of the wedding with the works: full hair, makeup, nails, toenails. Buy a gorgeous pair of heels.
Zen = Gratefulness.
You’ll find your zen in gratefulness. After all, they say grateful people are the happiest people; that means grateful brides are the happiest brides. (P.S. You’ll love these zen inspired finds!)
What would you add to the list? Are you a stressed out bride, or a happy bride? How can we help?
1 comment
If you are a summer bride than it might be difficult to be happy bride at the same time, but there is always a way. Focus on what you are going to wear and on your make-up. True decisions taken at the right time can make you the most happiest bride.
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